What is it?
Bioprinting is an additive manufacturing technique that uses bioinks, which contain living cells and biomaterials, to create three-dimensional (3D) biological structures layer by layer. This technology enables the fabrication of complex, functional tissues and organs for various applications, including regenerative medicine, drug testing, and biological research.
Why is it important?
Bioprinting has the potential to revolutionize regenerative medicine by enabling the creation of functional tissues and organs for transplantation, addressing the shortage of donor organs and reducing the risk of immune rejection. Bioprinted tissues can serve as more accurate and physiologically relevant models for drug screening and toxicity testing, reducing the need for animal testing and improving the efficiency of drug development. Bioprinting enables the fabrication of in vitro tissue models that closely mimic native biological structures and functions, providing new insights into tissue development, disease mechanisms, and regenerative processes.
What industries will it impact?
Healthcare and medical devices, Pharmaceutical and biotech, Cosmetics and consumer products, Food and agriculture.
Market players
Rokit, Nuclera, Poietis, Vitro3D, Cell Applications, Inc., Prellis Biologics, Restor3d, Systemic Bio, Volumina Medical, Collplant, Organovo, Dimension INX, Vivita Technologies, Stratasys.