38. Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)


What is it?

Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) are a type of integrated circuit that uses photons (light particles) instead of electrons to transmit and process information. PICs can transmit data at much higher speeds compared to traditional electronic circuits, as the speed of light is much faster than the movement of electrons. This makes them essential for high-bandwidth applications such as fiber-optic communication, high-speed internet, and data centers

Why is it important?

PICs typically consume less power than their electronic counterparts, as they do not generate as much heat during operation. This makes them attractive for energy-efficient applications and portable devices. PICs can be fabricated using semiconductor manufacturing techniques, allowing for the integration of multiple photonic components on a single chip. This enables the development of compact and integrated photonic systems, reducing the size and weight of optical devices. Photonic signals are less susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) compared to electronic signals. This allows for the development of more robust and reliable systems, particularly in environments with high levels of electromagnetic noise.

What industries will it impact?

Telecommunications, Data centers and cloud computing, Aerospace and defense,  Healthcare, Quantum computing and information processing, Automotive and transportation, Consumer electronics.

Market players

Intel, Lumentum, AEPONYX, Lumiphase, Lightmatter, Ranovus.