Commercial scales of functionalized nanoparticle and quantum dot dispersions at a 3000 times cost reduction


Who: Advano

What: Commercial scales of functionalized nanoparticle and quantum dot dispersions at a 3000x cost reduction. Advano’s dispersions are non-toxic and are produced in one of the most scalable manufacturing processes to date, greatly reducing the time and funding required for engineering and development.

Where: Electronic, lighting and energy storage applications.SiNPs are used as additives to increase battery performance by 10X, and are now being rapidly adopted domestically and internationally as the next generational paradigm shift in lithium-ion battery materials technology.

When: Advano’s RHEBM process produces a wide variety of functionalized nanoparticle dispersions with tunable characteristics, i.e. core material (ex. III-V semiconductors, magnetics, ceramics, etc.), surface functional group, particle diameter, and monodispersity. By changing these characteristics, we can influence the nanoparticle’s physical, chemical and optoelectronic properties. RHEBM is able to produce nanoparticles of a quality and tailorability not associated with traditional milling processes.