Therapon Skin Health has developed UV radiation absorbing silicon particle based on quantum physics properties. The nanoparticles have proven to trap up to 98 percent of the full sun energy spectrum, UVA and UVB, while remaining colorless on skin. The nanoclusters were developed in a joint partnership between Theraderm’s James Beckman, MD and Anatoli Ischenko, PhD of Moscow State University in Russia. They trap quantum dots of sun energy and allow it to be dissipated as harmless vibrations. This protects skin from harmful UV sunrays, which are the damaging factors responsible for 90 percent of the aging of human skin.
Beckman and Ischenko first filed for a US Patent on Beckman’s idea for the nanoparticles in 2005; research has continued on the product since the patent was filed. The debut date of the new nanoclusters in the marketplace is still uncertain. “We are hoping to partner with a pharmaceutical company soon to roll it out globally,” Beckman said. Read more at: