Interview with Anders Johansson, CEO of Smoltek.
How does your technology differentiate from competitive materials in the electronics industry?
It offers a new nanostructured material with properties that can be tailored for specific applications and yet fabricated by commonly used CVD-processing.
How easy is device integration, one of the main bottlenecks for integration of nanomaterials into advanced electronics?
Smoltek’s unique approach to practically focus on controlled growth of Carbon Nanofibers (CNF) makes the device integration significantly easier. The PECVD process is CMOS compatible, both in terms of materials and temperature window. Furthermore, the CNF’s are grown on location where they should serve their function, no expensive and complicated transfer process is required.
What do you see as the key end user (consumer) applications for your technology?
Computers, tablets, mobiles, wearable and IoT.
Where do you see the electronics industry in 7 years?
”Same-same-but-different” meaning continued focus on integration and miniaturization and cost. New materials including nanomaterials widely adopted.
Where do you see the carbon nanomaterials industry in 7 years?
We will continue to see CNT-enhanced composites for various applications. There might be some very early Graphene-based technologies too. In parallel we expect Smoltek’s CNF-based technology to significantly contribute to more capable components and System-in-Packages utilized for Integrated Capacitors, Ultrafine Interconnects and Thermal Management.
What is the current commercial stage of development for your technology?
Serious interest from major industrial players in the device, foundry and process technology spaces. Expecting first license agreement(s) in 2017.