The initiative is now in its 3rd phase (2011-2020), with focus on clean nanotech.
Korea National Nanotechnology Initiative
The Korea National Nanotechnology Initiative was started in December 2000 by the National Science and Technology Council, and the “NT Development Plan” was approved by the NSTC in July 2001. The initiative is now in its 3rd phase (2011-2020), with focus on clean nanotech. Investment in phase 1 (2001-2005) was 105.2 billion Won; phase 2, 277.2 billion Won. The strategy has evolved from funding fundamental research to application-drive applications.
Nanotechnology in South Korea Strategies
In 2009, the relevant ministries established mid- and long-term strategies for nanotechnology:
• The Fundamental Nanotechnology Mid-term Strategy [NT 7-4-3 Initiative] by MEST: The NT 7-4-3 Initiative fosters 35 green nanotechnologies in 7 areas and enhances 4 infrastructures in order for Korea to become one of the world’s top 3 advanced countries in nanotechnology by 2013.
• The Nano Fusion Industry Development Strategy by MEST and MKE designed in 2009: The Nano Fusion Industry Development Strategy supports the entire development process from finding basic technology to market launch.
• The National Nano Infrastructure Revitalization Plan by MEST and MKE designed in 2010: The National Nano Infrastructure Revitalization Plan invigorates existing nano infrastructures by linking them together.
• The Nanomaterial Safety Supervision Plan by MoE designed in 2009: Under the Nanomaterial Safety Supervision Plan, 14 billion Euros are invested to build a comprehensive supervision system for the safety of nanomaterials (2010~2014).
The number of nanotechnology companies and departments in universities has increased greatly to the current total of 224. The number of universities with nano departments increased from only three in 2001 to 29 in 2004 and to 43 in 2010.
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